What is total page views?


In the world of website analytics, understanding the behavior of your website visitors is crucial. One of the most important metrics to track is total page views, which is a measure of how many times a page on your website has been viewed during a given period of time. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what total page views are, how they are calculated, and why they matter for your website's success.

Understanding Total Page Views

Total page views refer to the number of times that a page on your website has been viewed by a user. This metric provides insight into how much traffic your website is receiving and which pages are the most popular among your audience. A page view is recorded every time a user loads a page on your website, regardless of how many times they may have visited the same page in a single session.

Calculating Total Page Views

Calculating total page views is a fairly straightforward process. Most website analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, automatically track and report page views for each page on your website. To calculate total page views for a given period of time, you simply need to add up the page views for each page on your website during that time frame.

Why Total Page Views Matter

Total page views are an important metric for website owners and marketers because they provide insight into the overall traffic and popularity of your website. By tracking total page views over time, you can identify trends in your website traffic and determine which pages are the most engaging for your audience. This information can then be used to optimize your website and improve the user experience for your visitors.


Total page views are a critical metric for any website owner or marketer looking to understand their website's traffic and engagement. By tracking total page views over time, you can gain valuable insights into which pages are the most popular and engaging for your audience, and use this information to optimize your website for success.